Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Exercise Time!

Once a week the kids do different activities. Each week the is always something different, depending on what theme or idea was planned for the week. Last week Mrs. Jennifer, the kids, and I enjoyed an hour of exercise and stretching. At first most of the kids didn't really seem to be into it, but after joining in with them, they seemed to catch on to the idea of doing something new and soon realized they came to like it. Emily one of ours quite little girls wasn't real fund of the activity but soon came to the see that it was fun. Some of the exercises we did were push ups, sit ups, etc. After speaking with some of the kids, I learned that most of them really enjoyed the mat game. Usually, after we exercise and stretch we play a game that causes some thinking, and last weeks game was kind of like follower the leader. Only the difference was that the lead would have to jump from one mat to another in any order until the were none left. We the leader would reach the end the next person in the line would get to be the leader, and so on. It was a game that was not only fun for the kids but also fun for me as well. Although, when it did get to the time when it was my turn, things get a little to difficult and the kids forgot the pattern in which I had went in. Lucky for them Mrs. Jennifer was there to help.

Friday, November 12, 2010

On Thursday we had the kids go on a scavenger hunt. They had to get one partner and go look for the pieces to a headress. If they needed clues, they had to go to one of the AmeriCorps personel and answer the question to get a clue to where the pieces were. Once they got all the pieces, they had to come inside and put the hat together.Then decide which person out the group was going to take home the hat. The kids had such a good time searching for the pieces and were happy when they got to put it together.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Flower pens GOSH don't I love them. The staff and children at Urban Connection have been making flower pens for Operation Christmas Child. The reason why we are all taking are part in this activity is so we can go out and buy gifts for children in need, so we can help the kids who don't always have a Merry Christmas. The kids at Urban Connection are not only thinking about themselves this Christmas, but about another child their age somewhere around the world who doesn't have the things that they might have. The kids at Urban are so excited to make and sell the pens so that they can go get a nice gift for another child who really needs it.

****One Month In****

This week completed our first month @ Frank Garrett. Overall things have really been well. There has been a wide variety of children of all ages. They all have interacted very well with one another. If there are only younger kids, the older ones find someway to make themselves fit in. It is hilarious watching the kiddos shoot pool. The different formations of holding the pool stick and trying to get the balls in the pockets. Not only that just seeing them trying to break the balls on the first shot. On a more personal level just being able to interact with the kids and build personal relationships with them on an individual basis has been comforting. Trying to get to know each child, their likes and dislikes, their personal strengths and weaknesses. The Frank Garrett is moving on up and we are going to be Better than Ever!!!!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Phase 10

I have a new favorite game!!! It's called Phase 10.... I'm sure most of you are familiar with it, but for those who aren't, its a must have for the holiday season. I got the opportunity to play with some of the older kids, along with Mrs. Leslie (who by the way taught us how to play the right way). It's basically a new-age version of Jim Rummy, but the cards look similar to uno cards. There are ten different phases that you have to pass. In order to complete a phase there are a certain sets that you must have. For example, in Phase 1 you have to get two sets of three. (A set is cards that are all the same number i.e three 7's). Once you "phase out" you keep playing until someone gets rid of their hand. At that point whatever cards you have in your hand get counted on your score. The first player to beat Phase 10 with the lowest score wins. I know it may seem like alot, but once you get into the rythm of the game it's awesome! It's the perfect game to play when you want to bring people together or just kill some time. I can't wait to play again so be ready Mrs. Leslie!!! Be blessed and prosperous....
-K. Smith

Freeze Tag!!

So the new favorite outside game to play at UCASA is "freeze tag". For the past two weeks freeze tag was the only game that the kids really wanted to play as soon as they got to UCASA. The most game played before freeze tag was "tag, you it." Most of the older kids had already known about freeze tag, but for the young kids it was a new game that they would really enjoy. The faces the kids make as their playing is to die for! Eduardo, who is one of our youngest and who is the most active when it comes to playing game, make the funnest faces I have ever seen. Now, granted that the kids aren't the best when it come to staying frozen, but they really do enjoy unfreezing the kids who do frezze by going under their legs. They all have a blast and I glad we can all share this experience.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Fall Festival

Last Friday we had a Fall Festival at the Frank Garrett. It was a blast thanks to all of the help we had from Northside Church of Christ and Christian Heritage School. There was a moon bounce, bobbing for apples, face painting, cupcake walk, basketball, and more!

Here are some pictures I wanted to share of the Fall Festival:

The Fall Festival; a great success!!
