Where did the summer go so fast?
"Let's make it a long goodbye..."
This summer here at Urban Connection has been a life changing experience for me. I learned so much about myself and others while here, as well as the fearfully and wonderfully made children that I had the pleasure of meeting during Kids camp! As I leave this summer behind I take with me such beautiful memories, that all the team members and kids have left in my mind and heart. I wouldn't trade or take back this experience for anything, and I humbly Thank God and give him all the glory, honor, and praise for placing me here at this time, and teaching me so many things along the way. I know I was here for a reason, and I thank him for my sense of fulfillment as this summer closes out. It was a pleasure working with the AmeriCorp team, and all the collective ideas we had that made Kids camp what it was. I thank all the outside help that we received this summer from the various organizations; we honestly couldn't have done it without you! I thank God for you all being here, and the compassion you brought along with you. I have enjoyed the friendships that I have built while here, and relationships that have been formed between the children and families. Each child holds a special place in my heart. I pray that each child has a wonderful school year, and that at least one of us has left a positive impact on their lives. As I leave I would like to share a favorite verse that any and everyone may take with them wherever they go, and may God follow you through it all:
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.." -Philippians 4:13
Be blessed in all you do,
Dang P...that sounded like an acceptance speech for the Academy Awards!lol/jk No seriously, it was a pleasure working with you. I wish you the best in all you do...be blessed!!